Saturday, July 31, 2010


Consumer Affairs got back to me concerning worries I had about paying for a mechanical job on our daughter's car.

If the repairer has assured you that the initial repairs on the valve seals 'will fix the problem' and not...'may fix the problem', then you are entitled to expect that result for your money.

Great, but then CA goes on to say...'If the repairer does not agree, it may have to be decided in court if you decide to pursue it'.

The court cost would be far in excess of the repairer's bill. Kev is a loser once again.

A couple of recent court cases have left me a little puzzled. One Prison Officer accessed a prison computer and harvested details of several inmates and then passed the info onto a bikie gang associate. He received a suspended sentence because the Judge thought he was just trying to bignote himself with the heavies. Another bloke who is a member of a British extremist group got a bit pissed and shot up the roof of a Turkish Mosque in Perth. It was deemed not to be a racist attack and he also got a suspended sentence. He was ordered to pay for the repair of the golden dome. With my luck I would get jail for taking a leak up an alley.

We went to see the oncologist yesterday and also had a top up of Avastin at the cancer clinic. The oncologist was a bit shocked at Joan's weight loss over the last three weeks...5 kilograms.
He was a little hesitant about telling us the exact results of the blood test, merely saying that they are 'all right'. Previously he has told us that they are either normal or good. We are returning next Friday for some more Avastin and to hear the results of the CT scan Joan will have on Tuesday.

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