Sunday, March 27, 2011

Busy busy!

Friday was a busy day for me. I collected my brother Graham at 6.20am and drove him to hospital in Claremont where he had a knock-out shot, an epidural and several injections of cortisone for a chronic back and leg pain. I collected him at around 4pm and it seems that the treatment has worked as he is pain free.

Yesterday Helen’s unit had its first (and last) ‘opening’. The agent rang her to say that there were eight couples at the opening and three were going to make an offer on the advertised price of $315,000+. Some time later she rang again to tell Helen that she had written up an offer of $329,000 from a couple who had the money and weren’t buying ‘subject to sale’ of another property. They are both ‘stoked’, as the younger generation would say and the timing is perfect as they move into their new house on the 14th of April.

Also yesterday I had Helen come with me to select some new spectacle frames. I cannot see well enough without my glasses to decide whether they look OK. The glasses...frames and lenses, are free courtesy of my private health fund.

I am prepping myself for the Rotary sponsored Bowel Scan. It is a test for Faecal Occult Blood. You don’t need to know the details of this procedure, but in preparation I have to abstain from red meat, horseradish,cantaloupe, raw turnips,broccoli,cauliflower,red radishes and parsnip over the five day period. Asprin and vitamin c in high doses are also out. The name for this test is a bit confusing. It is nothing to do with the Occult as we understand it. Check it out here.

It is now early; 6.10am Sunday morning and I am about to check the lotto results to see if I have beaten the other players and won the $20m prize. I reckon that my chances are about 17million to one, but if I do win I am not going to be telling you lot.


Anonymous said...

Kev, good news about Helen and james, Hope graham is pain free now. i know what you mean about choosing new frames when your fac is a blur . reminds me I have to have my eyes checked. I keep putting it off, i have to have urin test and a blood test, The doc said I haven.t had any checks for the last 2 or 3 years so he is going to have me checked for everything until they eventually find somthing wrong, 2 people have rung up about the band saw today.....Hope this hot weather ends soon. I can,t sleep. Marg

Bernie said...

So pleased to read of Helen's unit being sold.....houses are not moving very well here just now.
Good Luck with your test and I think it very kind of you to be there for your brother.....:-)Hugs