Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Spring is here

It is officially spring here in Western Australia.  Birds are mating, flowers are flowering and I have planted my broad beans (a bit late...but?)

A few pics of stuff in my garden.....Click to enlarge the images

It looks as though I know my plants well, but that is not so.  I had to ask my friends Marg and Joy to tell me what I was looking at.  I did figure out the lemons though.  The red spikey flower is a Bromeliad; the 'Bird of Paradise' is a Strelitzia and the yellow flowers are on a Aeonium.  The red flowers/fruit? are on a broad leafed unknown.

My lemon tree has dense foliage and is producing extra large lemons.   In the years we have been living here I have not seen lemons as large.  I have looked at my neighbours’ lemon trees and they seem to produce lemons of  regular size.  Don’t know what is happening here.

This week sometime I have to drive up in the hills above the city to collect 15 computers from a Primary School.    They are oldies, but goodies and well suited to the people I give them to.  I was going to have to make two trips to collect them as I can’t fit all 15 in my car, but my son-in-law, James has a large ute (pickup truck) and volunteered to drive me there to get them in one trip.  Thanks James.

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