I have been searching through drawers for some software for one of Joan's sewing machines and found some quite wonderful stuff. There are a couple of notes our kids wrote to us when they were quite young.
The first one was after we made a trip to Bali, Indonesia, with our children. One night we were walking along a footpath and Martin fell into a smelly drain which was open with the metal grate set aside. He was stuck with his arms supporting him until I managed to lift him out. As we struggled to extricate him a street vendor was trying to sell me some silver jewellery. I told him to POQ. Martin didn't much like it when back home we told the story to all our visitors....and so the note.

Helen's note is a much earlier one and I think we told her that we might get a new daughter if she didn't do her chores. Martin once told us that he was going to run away and live at the tip in a cardboard box with the seagulls.

Joan has lots of interesting bits in places around the house and I am reluctant to dispose of them.
Lovely notes Kev, great things to find at a later date. I also wouldn't want to dispose of them.
I particularly like Helen's 'Bye from Helen' part of the note - I'm sure I wrote at least one very similar as a child.
Memories, priceless :-)
Hope you're doing well xxxx
kev' don't throw any letters or notes like Helen and martin have written. store them all together in a shoe box. I loved their notes. as Carol states' they are precious. in fact ' be like me and don't throw anything away. You never know when you might need it. Marg
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