Here is the recipe....

On Saturday I helped James and Helen collect their ‘island bench’ from a furniture place. Very heavy. I fell backwards helping unload it from James's ute and cracked my head on the concrete driveway. No damage, but a note to myself..I am no longer a young bloke. Ruby the destroyer made a thorough inspection, probably with the thought of eating it. She is still a puppy, and eats anything and everything including stones in the garden. She is particularly fond of cat poo.

This cartoon could well be about Ruby.

Mothers day passed with a few tears.
Kev fish pie sounds great, I'll try it out on the family. You can always call on mat to help with heavy furniture and we also have a trolley.You shouldn't be lifting heavy benches. Charlie and matt cut down some of our large trees on sunday . Charlie was balancing on the top of our fence, men always take risks. Matt put all his weight onto one branch and fell off while using the chain saw. Escaped with a few cuts and scratches, I directed the workers until they turned on me. Hope your head is OK today. Thought of you all on mother's day. Marg
Helen's pie sounds delicious, I am going to try this recipe for sure.
Sorry about the fall. I love the island and Helen's floor, always prefered the dark hardwood.
I imagine Mother's Day would be hard for you and your family. It is a process we have to go through when we loose a loved one. Stay strong.
Have a great week....:-)Hugs
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