Busy, busy, busy today! This morning I collected seven reasonably late model Macs from W.A. Newspapers. They are Mirror Door G4s and very nice too! I had to sign a document saying that I was not going to sell them and that they were to be given to needy people...easy.
After lunch I went to our daughter Helen's unit to help remove mould from walls and ceilings after the tenants moved out on the weekend. Yesterday Helen was a bit 'testy' as the tenants should have had the mould cleaned off. She told the rental agents that it was because the tenants kept all the windows and doors shut. They denied that and claimed it was because of
concrete cancer in the walls allowing water to dampen the walls. I wish that I had been there as I am less likely to be brow-beaten by their BS. There is mould inside wardrobes! Last year I did some maintenance on Helen's unit at the request of the tenants. The couple are from India and the wife could not speak one word of English. I noticed that all the windows were shut and that the walls were wet with condensation. Helen told the agents and they noticed it at the next inspection and reported to Helen that the tenants were told to open windows to allow fresh air in. Even after that they still claim that the mould is due to
concrete cancer.
The problem here is that whilst Helen is a client of the rental agency, the mining company who leased her unit is also a client of the rental agency. The mining company has six units/houses leased through the agency, so they are much more valuable clients. It is a bit like a policeman being investigated for some misdemeanor by the police.
Anyway, bleach is the saviour. Most of the mould has been removed. Can I blame bleach for my greying hair?
On Sunday last we drove down south to Bunbury. Bunbury is a very nice seaside city. It is a while since we were there last and we were impressed. We had lunch at a fish restaurant on the estuary...good food at a reasonable price in a nice setting overlooking the water. We had travelled down there to buy a set of seats for Martin's car. Since he has lost his drivers licence I have decided to pretty the car up and sell it. We will keep the money; probably around $1,000 and use it to pay the big fine that is almost certainly coming. The seats are good and I have installed them and will advertise the car this next week. It is a Daihatsu Charade 3 cylinder car and runs on the smell of an oily rag. A good selling point with today's petrol prices.
I placed another three computers today. They were older model iMacs loaded with heaps of educational software and games. They have gone to three aboriginal families with the hope that they will get good use.