This morning I ‘installed’ a small job I did for daughter Helen’s Pre Primary class. I drove to the school and went to the office to sign in as a visitor. The school registrar quizzed me about what I was here for and asked if I had a Working With Children certificate. I told her I hadn’t and she was on her way to tell the Deputy Principal. I yelled out that I was not going into a classroom and my daughter had chosen this exact time so that her class would not be outside in the playground. She hummed a bit, but signed me in and gave me a visitor’s badge to wear. A lot of people think that Principals run schools, but in my experience the registrar seems to be in charge most times.
The little job was to try and attach a few things I had made onto a tree to entertain the kids and spark a bit of imagination. The tree wasn’t my choice as it was difficult to get all the things looking like they should. I would have preferred a straight trunk tree, but Helen said it looked fine and the kids would love it.
I stood outside the fence when the kids were let out to take a look. It was a great success. One girl told everyone the ‘there is someone inside there’ and tried to open the little door. Worthwhile project.
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