Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, Monday

I went to Castlereagh School today to attempt to set up some computers donated to the school by W.A. Newspapers. After mucking around for some time I decided to bring them home here to do the set-up at home in the aircon with hardly any clothes on....not a good look! The IT gal at the school is a great hard-working lady who for some unknown reason thinks that my small input is something out of the ordinary. I attempt to reassure her that it isn't but I am overwhelmed with praise and gifts.
Whew....back on the job after a mate dropped in with a little welding job and a six-pack of Australia's best beer....Coopers' Sparkling Ale. Reminds me of the bar at the last high school where I taught. The bar was open on Fridays and once in a while there was a home brew competition open to staff brewers. I decided to enter the comp and bought a large Coopers Sparkling Ale and removed the label and replaced the cap with a generic one. When the judging was made with suitably experienced judges, mine was placed last out of seven home brews!!!
I have two friends who are not doing too well. They both have Parkinson's Disease and one of them also has Lewy Body disease. My brother-in-law has the very visible form of the disease and is on a waiting list for deep brain stimulation therapy. This involves electrodes being guided down into the brain to block the wrong messages being sent. There have been amazing results from this operation and indeed a student I taught has had a remarkable recovery and is now leading a normal life. The trouble for my bro-in-law is that there is a 12 month wait for the procedure. My other friend has frightful hallucinations day and night as well as the accompanying Parkinsons' symptoms. I have been lucky that my diagnosis with Prostate Cancer was early and surgery was successful. The radical prostatecomy got the cancer, but left me impotent. However....dead men don't get erections!

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