Friday, April 11, 2014

Papua New Guinea oldies

I have just returned from a gathering of Papua New Guinea expatriates held at the Airforce Association estate at Bullcreek, W.A.    The estate has a number of multi-story units housing retirees as well as a comprehensive aircraft museum.  Today’s gathering had a couple of guests; the Papua New Guinea Consul General and his wife as well as the President of the PNGAA (Papua New Guinea Association of Australia). 

I arrived early and noticed a Papua New Guinea couple looking lost, so I greeted them and we had a look at the aircraft museum whilst waiting for the gathering to commence.
The Consul was  fascinated by the planes and had stories about those which were common in PNG aviation.   That gave us time to talk at length before he had to perform his consular duties at the gathering.  Interesting couple!  I would love to talk more to them about our time in PNG.

The Consul brought a lot of presentation neckties emblazoned with the PNG coat of arms.  I haven’t worn a tie in 25 years, but I thought I’d take one for an auspicious occasion....if ever I go to one.

Lots of very old people there and it made me feel positively spritely at 74 years.  The lunch was OK and the drinks were ‘club price’.  Not a bad day!


Richard said...

KEV: is the 2014 president of the PNGAA still Andrea Williams?
She used to be Editor of the Una Voce magazine. You might not be a regular reader of it but it has heaps of interesting yarns from Back In The Day in PNG.
Alternatively, you can browse back stories on the PNGAA website. As many of us do these days ---- browse stories on the web, rather than waiting for hard copy stories to come out.
As an old print (and radio) journalist I'm a committed Internet junkie these days, reading on-line yarns hours and hours --- sometimes, days --- before they appear i print.

Anonymous said...

Nice tie Kev. Paul Weaver.

Kev said...


yes,the lovely Andrea was here for the gathering and I have been a member for years and get Una Voce both in hard copy and online. I despair at the lack of articles from members, but realise they are all getting very old. At 74 I was among the youngest at the gathering.

Please email me so I have your email address.