Friday, August 20, 2010


Joan is having another bad day. She started the day with a green bile vomit and couldn't eat much breakfast. We talked about consulting a hypnotherapist with the aim of trying to trick her brain into believing that the bad tastes, foul smell and nasty texture of anything she tries to eat is all gone. Sounds reasonable!

I rang a few hypnotherapists and decided on a well-known one who is also a psychologist. Joan is to see him on Tuesday morning. We don't know what we can do if that doesn't help.

Another method of getting nutrition into the body is by PEG...a duct into the stomach. Read about it here. Last resort stuff!

Our Prime Minister (for the moment) is scooting around all over Aus getting in a last minute warning about the Liberal Party and the leader Tony Abbott. She reckons that if he wins the election and is confirmed as the new Australian Prime Minister on Sunday he will bring back work choices on Monday. That's ridiculous...he would wait until Thursday at least.

1 comment:

Bernie said...

Hello Kevin, I have been following Joan's cancer blog and when she doesn't post for a few days I worry for her. I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog especially to keep up with how Joan is feeling. She has been such a trouper.
I am pleased to read your sense of humor, something Joan would enjoy to take her mind off of her upset tummy...please tell her I said hello and am wish her well and much luck with the hypnotherapist.
......hugs from Canada...:-)