Yesterday cousin Val and I drove to Cunderdin Agricultural College 158 kilometres from Perth city for its Open Day. Val’s grandson Mitchell is a boarding student at the college.
This year’s student population is a mix of boys and girls numbering approx. 150. Most come from farming situations, but entry is not restricted to just them.
These students are studying year 11 and 12 in a selection of three pathways...Further Education leading to tertiary admittance, Agriculture and Agri Trades. Mitch is in the latter stream and hopes to gain an apprenticeship as a diesel fitter after Year 12.
The College of some 2,114 hectares is operated as a commercial farming enterprise.
All students regardless of which pathway they have selected, do a rotation of the agriculture Animal and Plant Production Systems which involves breeding, cropping, butchery and driving monstrous machinery. Great fun! Most of the students with a farming background would have already been driving farm machinery from a very young age.
Later in the day there was a parade of their large agriculture machinery...mainly driven by girls beaming with pride.
Vintage Commer 30cwt
Metalwork projects
Meeting place, Hall and Gym
Beaming gal
I was most impressed by the whole setup. Great facilities and care for students, tours of mine sites and stations in the North-West of the state, certification in a number of fields such as PADI scuba diving, the state government’s boat Skipper’s Certificate, and various industrial tickets such as first aid etc.
It is well that all students work hard as they get Breakfast, Morning tea, Lunch, Dinner and Supper. Didn’t see any overweight students.
All visitors, probably several hundred, were treated to a very nice lunch.
The college fee for a full time boarder is around $11,000 which includes uniforms. formal dress wear, major excursions and transport to events.