Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's all over

Well, it is all over, bar the shouting and I reckon there will be a bit of that.  The liberalNational coalition have won the federal election.  Yesterday was poll day and I fronted up to a local primary school to cast my vote.  There was a long queue with the party hopefuls handing out how to vote slips.  I was offered one from an aspirant for the seat of Fremantle, Teresa van Lieshout....thanks but no thanks.  Then I heard her raising her voice in front of the assembled mob telling another couple of opposing party faithfulls....’You are both corrupt and you and your people will go to hell’,  Oh dear!?

Another voter fell into line behind me after refusing a how-to-vote slip from a LiberalNational touter.  I heard her tell him ‘I wouldn’t accept that for a million dollars’.  I turned to her and told her that that was a lot of money and I would eat a bucket full of horse poo for a million.   No reply.  Not a time for hilarity.

The suburb where I voted is a strong working class Labor stronghold.  There will be words, some shouting and probably some tears there today.


Richard said...

WE also voted at a local primary school in our electorate of Bendigo, centralVictoria.
Our ALP candidate Lisa Chesters won, with our assistance, but neither KRudd or Big Ears fronted here as it wasn't deemed marginal.
Amazing some of the array of likely Senators this election has thrown up, including The Brick With Eyes [ex R.L. tough guy Glenn Lazarus] along with a Tasmanian for Clive's party.
Incidentally did u know billionaire Clive wears $23 trousers ?I didn't until Mondays papers and websites came out with that info

Kev said...

where does he get 'em?

Anonymous said...

Kev, I voted at the same school , very long queue but I couldn't get over how well mannered every one was. Just think in other parts of the world there would be more than shouting, blood shed and bombs, How lucky are we.?Maybe that is because a lot of the public are more interested in the foot ball results than the elections, Marg