A few weeks ago I gave a computer to a physically disabled young woman who visited with her carer. I went to her place and set the computer up and she was going to subscribe to an ISP and get a suitable modem to connect to the Web.
She is a demanding young woman and has called me a number of times to get help with setting up a printer, upgrading the operating system so she can listen to radio through iTunes and asking for a USB hub to connect other devices to the Mac. She has a radio and CD player in her house. Not only that she likes country music and has it blaring when I visit.
I suspect that she thinks I am part of the government welfare system which is most certainly not true.
Today I have made two trips to her house to help her and just now received a phone call asking me to assign a password to her machine. I explained that I don’t have passwords on most of my computers and suggested that unless she really thinks someone would be interested in what she has on her machine I would rather not make another visit.....nah; she wants a password. Damn!
Of the hundreds of people who have received Macs from me over the past 14 years, this gal has given me the most call-outs by far.