Monday, May 12, 2008

Visitors from the East

Our friends Dick and Pam arrived from Sydney Town and settled in at our place. We took them to daughter Helen's new beachside residence for a viewing of the sun setting in the west and a few drinks and a nice meal. This morning they are collecting their rent-a-bomb at $20 per day and starting out visiting large printing companies with a view to making arrangements to have quality printing done when the W.A. branch of their business gets going. It seems that printers in W.A. have the big time gear, but lack the work of printers in the eastern seaboard and so offer more competitive rates.

Brother-in-law Mike sent a bulk email to people who have supported him throughout his Parkinson's journey. He included two scan shots of his head showing the electrodes and wiring in his skull and brain. He has to wait another 2-3 weeks until the brain swelling has subsided before they turn on the power. I don't pray, but sincerely hope he will reap some benefit and relief from the dyskinesia he now suffers from.

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