Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pickled Eggs

I love pickled eggs and also pickled onions. In a friend's blog, for which a link can be found, here on our blog, Paul wrote of making Scotch Eggs. He did some research on the best way to boil googies so that the shell comes away nicely. He tried a few different methods and none really measured up.

I decided today to make some pickled eggs and turned to my friend Google for info. On the page for 'How to boil an egg' there are approximately 695,000 hits for the would-be googie boiler.

I decided to ignore all the suggestions and put 'em in a pot of cold water and boil them for a long time. As it happened we forgot about the eggs and they almost boiled dry. They all peeled beautifully and are now in bottles with dark pickling vinegar. We should wait about two weeks before trying them, but I reckon a week might be as long as I can wait. Yum!

I bought the eggs at a local market for $2.80 a dozen. I should have bought several dozen.

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