Monday, January 21, 2008

A sad day

We drove up the coast north of the river today and I stayed with my brother-in-law while Joan and her sister went to a textile gathering. Mike, my bro-in-law, cannot be left alone as his Parkinsons is very debilitating and he is apt to fall and hurt himself. He had a long period of freezing where he could not move at all. He had a shower and then froze and I heard him call for help. He was naked and couldn't get dressed. When I found him in the bedroom he assured me that I didn't have to wipe his bum. With a bit of a struggle, we got him dressed. Surprisingly he still has a sense of humour.

Although he is due for a final assessment for the Deep Brain Stimulation procedure on the 4th of February, there is no definite date for the procedure. He is suicidal.

A work colleague and friend from 40+ years ago was having chemotherapy for mesothelioma he contracted from being a ship's engineer in the bad old asbestos days. The good news was that the tumors were shrinking and the chemo was working. The bad news is that he had a heart attack on Saturday and died. There has been a ring-around between his friends from long ago and it will be a big funeral. Unfortunate that these friends are brought back together by his death.

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