Monday, June 30, 2008

Troubles of the heart

A good friend, Brian rang a few days ago to tell me that he was going to have a stent inserted in a blood vessel due to a constriction. I rang him yesterday to find out how it went. It seems that the specialist had second thoughts and has scheduled him for a bypass operation to clear three restricted blood vessels. Brian is a healthy, very fit, athletic bloke. I wouldn't have picked him as a candidate for a bypass op! He is a bit apprehensive of course, but this operation, although rather complex is pretty well commonplace with a very good prognosis.

I have a distant cousin who had a triple bypass about six months ago. In convalescence he caught a cold and had to have a soft pillow handy to hold up to his chest when he coughed. Cuz didn't think it was too flash at all!

If you think you might like to get a stent, check out the market here.

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