Friday, March 23, 2007

The Health Club

About 3 weeks ago we got a flyer in the letterbox offering a month's membership for $49 at the health club just down the hill from our place. If two people took advantage of this offer it was only $25 for the second person.

Last week we went to have a look. The club doesn't look that wonderful from the outside because it is housed in what looks like an oversized aircraft hangar or Quonset hut, but the facilities are amazing. Except that you can't play golf there, it has everything you would expect to find at a country club: a cafe, a member's lounge, hairdresser, massage parlour, two swimming pools - an outdoor one and a heated indoor one plus spa and sauna, social events a couple of times a week, squash and badminton courts and of course exercise studios with the latest equipment and classes for all levels of fitness.

They tried to persuade us to sign up for a 12 month's membership at a reduced price, but we decided we would only take up the four weeks' trial. Our reasoning was that it would cost us less than $10 week each to try out the facilities and see if we would use them. I thought the water aerobics class might be good and I could have a spa and sauna after. Kevin went along with the idea, though he kept mumbling about neither of us having the body beautiful and that it would be a waste of money.

Sadly, he may be right. The first week has passed and we haven't gone there once. The water aerobics class is Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday I had a meeting. Thursday I was given free tickets to the movies, so of course I used them and went with a friend to see "Becoming Jane". Enjoyable, but not wonderful, movie. We could have gone to the club any afternoon and just used the facilities but we didn't. I suspect we need to acquire another habit. Just as we go walking before breakfast every morning, we need to go to the health club every afternoon - at least for the next three weeks.

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