Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cleaning Squid

Kevin is going to do the bowel scan test that Rotary have organised for seniors. It must be completed before April the 5th, so the last couple of days we have been following the recommended diet: no red meat, plenty of fruit and vegetables and high fibre bread. We had grilled fish on Thursday night and a prawn stirfry last night. We have had tuna for lunch and Kevin has foregone his beloved bacon in favour of kippers on mixed grain toast and sliced tomatoes on toast for breakfast.

Today I was down at the markets and I found a little red cabbage for 50c. I remembered the squid salad that Helen had made last weekend, so I decided that I would attempt to replicate it. I had already bought a couple of pears, so I bought some snowpeas and a lime.

I went to the Spearwood fish shop to buy the squid. I was looking for the cleaned baby squid, but he had sold out. He had plenty of local squid though, and he said they were really easy to clean, so I bought 4.

Well, squid ARE easy to clean if you have done it a gazillion times before. We fumbled a bit and the mess was appalling - guts and squid ink everywhere. Eventually we finished and I put the cut up bits in the coating mix. Kevin has promised to divorce me if I ever buy whole squid again. Though I'm not intimidated by the threat, I think he has some justification.

Now I need to go and make the salad and cook the squid. I hope it is as nice as Helen's was - I should have written down the recipe.

Oh, and Kevin will start collecting the required specimens tomorrow.

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