Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Today's Collection

When we take a walk around the section of Bibra Lake called the Golf Park we invariably collect more rubbish than from any other walk we do. I posted a few days ago about the amount we collected and the variety of things we found.

Today we collected almost as much if not more. An interesting thing about discarded bottles: Coke, Jim Beam, vodka, water almost always have their lids screwed on. Maybe the litterbugs can't be bothered dropping or throwing away two things at the same time.

We found some interesting stuff today. First was a pair of white high-heeled shoes near the bank of the lake. We wondered about the possibility of a body when we found a bundle of pantyhose. No sign of blood though. Then Kevin found two black bundles, both the same. I pulled one of them to bits just in case they were bloodstained undies or something similar. I was a bit spooked by this time. The bundle was one leg of a pair of vinyl trousers that had been scrunched up and pushed into the leg of lycra tights to form a kind of dome. The other was identical.

I have come up with a scenario to explain all this. A young guy decided to go to one of Adventure World's adult parties in drag. Because the carpark was full he parked at the end of the Golf Park. As he staggered towards his car at the end of the evening he divested himself of some of his accoutrements. First the padding he wore to resemble boobs. Then the pantyhose. Then the shoes. They had had a bit cut out of the side of them to make them wearable on male feet. He probably had a little nap in his car before driving home.

What do you think?

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