Friday, April 6, 2007

A Domino effect

The pinball machine that was languishing in the storeroom has made the move into the house. It has been repaired, and the gaudy paint job touched up.

To make room for it in the study we had to move out a cupboard in which Kevin's cameras were stored. That was moved first into the dining room, but it didn't look good, so we decided to move it into the hallway. It looks fine there. This move involved a bit of rearrangement of art works as well.

We had to move the second computer desk against the window in the study, so we can no longer use the cupboards in the back. That meant all the old Edison cylinders needed another home. While we were moving things we moved the Edison player itself to another position in the dining room. We also moved the antique tea trolley which was by the front door into the dining room and we like the look much better. The Edison cylinders can now go into the tea trolley cabinet. Then we will have to move something else to take its place near the door . . .

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