Monday, June 25, 2007

Bali all go

Kevin finished packing the computer stuff for Bali today. We will be well within the luggage allowance, thanks to the extra amount that Garuda has given us. I admit at one stage thinking that all we would be able to take in personal luggage would be one change of clothing! Buy it there you say . . . . could work for Kevin, but not for me. Fortunately, this is not necessary.

We are also much more organised this time than the last time we went. We have a wonderful Indonesian lady here in Perth who will ring Bali to tell the head teacher we are coming. We have an English speaking driver prepared to do translations. I think it will work well.

We are also more prepared for the facilities or lack thereof at the school. Our day pack will contain a roll of toilet paper, insect repellent and some Wet Ones as well as water and food.

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