Sunday, June 3, 2007

Lake Davilak

This morning we walked around Lake Davilak in Manning Park. The lake is quite small and has been almost completely dry during the summer. Over the past few weeks we have some good rains and Lake Davilak is once again a Lake. Not so yet for Bibra and North Lake, also near our house.

Most people think the name Davilak is from a pioneering family in the area, but the truth of the matter is that it most probably originated from aborigines believing that devils lived in the lake after dark....'Devil Lake'. Another theory is that an itinerant named Davies camped there and the Davilak name came from Davies Lake. I'll settle for Devil Lake.

This afternoon we went north of the river (we south of the river folks do venture north sometimes) to visit our in-laws Dorothy and Mike. Mike has severe Parkinsons Disease dyskinesia and is awaiting a deep brain stimulation implant operation. He has not thrown in the towel and has many projects on the go; quite a few beyond his ability. He is soon to get an electronic pump to administer his medications automatically and at lower levels over the 24 hours. Hope it improves him before the big operation.

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